
All course registrations are processed using MyBLUE, the interactive web interface to the Student Information System. All holds must be cleared before any registration activity can occur. Students are reminded to keep all address information up-to-date on MyBLUE. Students are referred to the Academic Calendar for specific early registration and general registration dates.

This registration option is open only to students who are currently enrolled, either on-campus or off campus, at bet36365体育. Students will register according to class standing and NUID number. Class standing is determined by the number of earned/completed credit hours to date. This does not include course credit hours in progress for the current semester. Refer to Appointment Times.

Initial registration, after the first week of the semester (Fall and Spring) or after the first class day (Summer), is considered late and a $15 late registration fee will be charged. In order to process a late registration, students must have permission from the department of each course for which they wish to register. During the 2nd week, department chairs will issue electronic permits and students will register themselves in MyBlue. In the 3rd and 4th weeks, students will use the Schedule Change Form available in MyBlue to adjust their schedule. Tuition and all fees are billed at the time of registration. Failure to pay will result in late charges and prepayment for future terms.

Students cannot register for full semester classes following the fourth week of the term (Fall and Spring) or after the midpoint of the class (Summer).

Students should refer to MyBLUE or the Registration Appointment Times for specific dates and times registration is available.